Jobs at the

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We are looking for your talent!


We are looking for your talent!

We are always on the lookout for committed and motivated teachers. Would you like to give private tuition, teach language courses and become part of our team? Simply send a short application with a tabular CV to info(at)lern-academy.

Any questions? Please feel free to contact us by phone.



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Business owner and educational director:

B.Sc. Markus Fehl
Mobil: 0176 / 75654373
Tel: 0631 / 8929220


Head of Consulting and Organization:

Yvonne Seidel


67665 Kaiserslautern

Fackelstraße 3 · 0631 / 8 92 92 20

Educational consultant:
Yvonne Seidel

Größere Kartenansicht

66953 Pirmasens

Hauptstraße 36 · 06331 / 14 85 82

Educational consultant:
Alexandra Buschkiewitz

Größere Kartenansicht

66877 Ramstein

Schulstraße 4 · 06371 / 95 26 60 0

Educational consultants:
Sabine Herzog
Jutta Obstarek

Größere Kartenansicht

65428 Rüsselsheim

Grabenstraße 3 · 06142 / 94 26 26

Educational consultants:
Ingrid Thomas
Elke Baier

Größere Kartenansicht

Can't find a location near you?

Contact us via:
Tel: 0631 / 8929220
Whatsapp: 0176 / 83343962 or
E-Mail: info(at)

We also teach online