From elementary school
to university

Up to 4 free lessons *
- also possible online -

In Kaiserslautern, Pirmasens,
Rüsselsheim, Ramstein.

* Get up to 4 x 45 minutes as two double lessons in a small, subject-related learning group of three to four students on average. The offer of up to 4 free lessons is only valid for new customers and when registering for a fixed-term contract. A combination with other promotions is not possible.
Call us now on 0631 - 8 92 92 20 or send us the Contact form.

Online tutoring is simple!

A computer is not necessary to carry out the lessons.

  1. All you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer.
  2. After successfully making an appointment, you will receive an invitation link to the virtual classroom by e-mail or WhatsApp.
  3. In the tutoring session, students and teachers can talk to each other online, see each other and work on tasks together.
  4. As if the teacher were sitting next to you - that's how easy it is to learn online.
  5. You can arrange your appointments with your teacher and work from home or any other location.
  6. Regular learning units can be booked as well as spontaneous appointments before important exams.

Elementary school tutoring

The first day of elementary school marks the beginning of a new phase in your child's life.
The course for a successful future is already being set.

Our carefully selected teachers respond to your child's individual needs. They design the remedial lessons for elementary school in a varied and age-appropriate way so that your child looks forward to these lessons and enjoys working with them. The focus here is not purely on imparting knowledge, but rather your child will get to know and apply suitable learning methods right from the start. In addition, language development and vocabulary expansion are dynamically promoted through targeted reading, writing and speaking.

We are also always there for you during and after lessons. Regular consultation with parents is a matter of course at LERN-ACADEMY - especially for the youngest children.

Elementary school subjects

Our range of primary school courses includes the relevant subjects German, Math and Sachunterricht. On request, you can also teach English / French. The focus is also on interdisciplinary topics such as Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading or Writing.

Tutoring Class 5 – 10

„We pick up your child where it stands“

Especially in the orientation level (grades 5 - 6) or the following intermediate level (grades 7 - 10), students often face several problems: The learning workload and number of subjects increases massively compared to elementary school and continues to do so from year to year, the subject matter and lesson content are becoming more demanding the comparison with supposedly better classmates takes the joy out of learning. Regardless of which gaps in content and subject knowledge need to be filled, which grade level the student is in or which type of school they attend - the LERN-ACADEMY offers the perfect course and can therefore provide optimal support for every student.

Our credo: We always support our students individually, take into account the different learning styles and respond specifically to individual questions - even in group lessons in small groups of 3 - 4 students!

Subjects class 5 - 10

Tutoring upper school and Abitur preparation

Especially in the home stretch, the learning stress and the general learning learning workload increases enormously for the pupils in the upper school.

However, the Abitur is a prerequisite for starting university and increases the chances of getting the desired training place.
Good preparation for the coursework and ultimately the Abitur is the be-all and end-all - but how is a student supposed to manage this on their own without having to make compromises?

For this reason, the LERN-ACADEMY would like to offer support during this serious phase of schooling to help young adults master the subject matter, preparing for basic and advanced coursework, and also preparing for the Abitur to help and relieve the burden.


  • effective learning, organization and repetition techniques,
  • various concentration exercises,
  • setting, working on and correcting mock exams together,
  • conducting a written exam or Abitur examination under real conditions and subsequent debriefing

help and support the professional teachers of the Lern-Academy. Thanks to their many years of experience, they know exactly what is important when it comes to preparation!

This practically guarantees a successful transition into a new phase of life!

Subjects upper school and Abitur preparation

Tutoring education, university / FH & profession

The LERN-ACADEMY also offers special support after graduation.

Vocational training

New job-specific tasks arise at the start of training.

There are many new areas of application, especially in commercial areas (e.g. bookkeeping, accounting, etc.).
The LERN-ACADEMY provides support, in-depth information and explanations to help you master the extensive new and old learning fields.

University / University of Applied Sciences

The LERN-ACADEMY offers students support and assistance with their studies.

Our highly qualified teaching staff provide support throughout the entire study period: From preparing for seminars, discussing and preparing topics and tasks relevant to exams, to proofreading bachelor's, master's, diploma or doctoral theses.


New tasks often arise in your professional life and new demands are placed on you.

In the case of further and advanced training, the acquisition of new skills is a prerequisite for professional success. Our highly qualified teachers will support you in acquiring such new skills - in the linguistic, rhetorical and also career-specific areas. The LERN-ACADEMY provides you with optimal support for your personal professional development.

Subjects Tutoring Education, Uni / FH & Profession

This is how much tutoring costs

2 Classes

As tutoring is not a standard product, LERN-ACADEMY prices vary according to individual needs, duration, support requirements and the type of tuition and contract.

Simply get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or in person and arrange a personal consultation free of charge.

We are a partner of the Rheinpfalz-Card

Our support teachers

"Our strongest argument is our teachers!“

The dedicated teachers at the LERN-ACADEMY all have a high level of expertise. This is proven by a corresponding university degree (teaching degree, master's degree, interpreting degree and diploma). Language courses for the acquisition of a foreign language are taught by linguistically qualified teachers, usually even by a native speaker.

In addition to excellent specialist knowledge, teachers naturally also need pedagogical skills. Some of these are also acquired through studies. If this was not the case, our teachers take part in special further training courses that impart these skills. In addition, our teachers regularly undergo further training in relation to examinations, new textbooks, methodological issues and the use of new media.

Course options

Group lessons

Our LERN-ACADEMY offers group lessons as a course option. These lessons take place in small groups of 2 - 3 people on average. Learning in a small group is calm and concentrated. Nevertheless, the individual support of each student is always guaranteed, as the experienced teachers of the LERN-ACADEMY represent a dedicated contact person for each student in the group.


One teacher - one student. Our one-to-one lessons allow the student to concentrate on learning effectively throughout the entire lesson. The intensive support provided by our teacher answers all questions and offers sufficient time for in-depth exercises. The individual learning rhythm is taken into account.

At home

In intensive one-to-one tutoring at home, we work with you to tailor the learning content, learning methods and scope of lessons to your child. Our carefully selected teachers come to your home and devote one hundred percent of their attention to your child. This saves you a journey to and from your home, while your child quickly achieves visible learning success and sustainable improvements in grades.


Virtual online tutoring combines all the positive aspects of one-to-one tuition: lessons are individual, flexible in terms of time and location! All you need is a PC with an Internet connection, headset and webcam, as well as the online service Skype. This allows you to learn together with our teacher from the comfort of your own home.

Individual support

The student is generally doing well, but has some difficulties with certain topics or needs to prepare for an exam. This is why the LERN-ACADEMY also offers individual courses.


Satisfied parents, satisfied pupils

Are you satisfied with the services of our LERN-ACADEMY?
Then recommend us to others and receive further benefits:

Students recruit students

For the placement of a new student by a student already registered with the LERN-ACADEMY
, 50.00 euros will be credited to the existing contract.

Download voucher Pupils recruit pupils

This is how it continues

In an initial personal consultation, which is free of charge for you, we will analyze your school situation together. We take a lot of time for you here. This gives us an up-to-date insight into your child's level of knowledge and allows us to draw up an individual support plan together with you.

Any further questions?
Simply get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or in person.



Further information (optional)

I agree that my details from the contact form will be collected and processed to answer my request will be collected and processed. The data will be deleted after completed processing of your request. Note: You can revoke your revoke your consent at any time for the future by sending an e-mail to info(at) You can find detailed information on the handling of user data in our Privacy policy.



Business owner and educational director:

B.Sc. Markus Fehl
Mobil: 0176 / 75654373
Tel: 0631 / 8929220


Head of Consulting and Organization:

Yvonne Seidel


67665 Kaiserslautern

Fackelstraße 3 · 0631 / 8 92 92 20

Educational consultant:
Yvonne Seidel

Größere Kartenansicht

66953 Pirmasens

Hauptstraße 36 · 06331 / 14 85 82

Educational consultant:
Alexandra Buschkiewitz

Größere Kartenansicht

66877 Ramstein

Schulstraße 4 · 06371 / 95 26 60 0

Educational consultants:
Sabine Herzog
Jutta Obstarek

Größere Kartenansicht

65428 Rüsselsheim

Grabenstraße 3 · 06142 / 94 26 26

Educational consultants:
Ingrid Thomas
Elke Baier

Größere Kartenansicht

Can't find a location near you?

Contact us via:
Tel: 0631 / 8929220
Whatsapp: 0176 / 83343962 or
E-Mail: info(at)

We also teach online

The most frequently asked questions and answers

The LERN-ACADEMY offers qualified remedial teaching for every relevant school subject.
We also offer remedial teaching for vocational schools and for further training in commercial, technical and general education fields.
Our prices for private tuition vary depending on the duration, need for support and type of lesson.
No, there are no additional costs, such as registration fees, material or processing costs.
Yes, the student has the option of changing the subject or the date after timely personal or telephone consultation.
Of course, the lesson can be made up if it has been canceled in good time.
The LERN-ACADEMY is open during all vacations.
In order to keep parents up to date with their child's development, parent-teacher conferences are possible at any time.
As every pupil learns differently and has different gaps, the teachers always take an individual approach to your child's progress. During the registration interview, the main areas of support are determined with the parents so that we can specifically promote strengths and work on deficits.
Many pupils have deficits when it comes to making sense of the learning material or suffer from a lack of concentration. Therefore, in our tutoring we also focus on optimizing and structuring learning, teach various repetition and concentration exercises and accompany our students on their way to success. concentration exercises and accompany our students on the road to success.
Of course, our LERN-ACADEMY also offers targeted dyslexia and dyscalculia training.